Is Your Home Making You Sick?
Air Duct Cleaning can help (574-538-3228)
Your heating and cooling system's ducts can be a collection source for dirt, dust, pollen, pet dander that can make allergy and asthma symptoms worse. Keep your home's air cleaner by using Safeguard's Air Duct Cleaning and Indoor Air Quality products.
Removes: Allergy aggravating contaminants and years of accumulated dirt and dust.
 Air Duct Cleaning

The air duct cleaning system Safeguard technicians employ is among the most powerful air duct cleaning systems on the market today. Our cleaning system applies to nearly any air duct system found in homes today. The techniques and methods our staff utilize are the result of careful training to operate their equipment safely and consistently with the guidelines set by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA).
Dryer Vent Cleaning
Lint and debris can build up in the clothes dryer vent blocking air flow and creating potentially hazardous conditions including the possibility for an exhaust fire or carbon monoxide intrusion (gas clothes dryers). "The U.S. Fire Administration, National Fire Data Center reports that there are over 12,700 home fires per year associated with clothes dryer fires resulting in 15 deaths and 300 injuries, and 88 million dollars in property loss."*
Indoor Air Quality
Many things can lower the quality of the air in your home–smoke, cleaning product fumes, volatile compounds in building materials and paint, pest control products, pollution from outdoors and more. Some of these air contaminates are minor annoyances that dissipate quickly, but other indoor pollutants present an ongoing health hazard–especially to the young, the elderly, allergy sufferers and people with compromised immune systems.
We use some of the most powerful equipment available.  The industrial strength cleaning unit vacuums debris from you ducts.
We will explain how Safeguard cleans the HVAC system using a variety of specialized tools adapted to even the most unique systems.
We connect a powerful 8 inch vacuum to the main trunk line.  The vaccum collects all contaminants which are dislodged during cleaning.
High pressure air and specialized tools are used to dislodge the dirt and debris so that the vacuum can pull it into the containment unit.
Call Today 574-538-3228
The EPA has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than outdoor air.  Since most people spend nearly 90% of their time indoors, we are becoming more concerned about indoor air quality.  A healthy home that's comfortable, safe and inviting begins with excellent air quality.  Safeguard has several products that can dramatically improve the air quality in your home.  Call today for more details
           Call Today                                                574-538-3228
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